Νέο Βιβλίο “Θεοπτία – Θεογνωσία. Μελέτες στη Θεολογία των Ο΄”

Πρακτικά του 3ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου για τη Θεολογία της Μεταφράσεως των Ο΄ που πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 9-11.03.2016 στο ΑΠΘ.

Gottesschau – Gotteserkenntnis
Studien zur Theologie der Septuaginta, Band I
Hrsg. v. Evangelia G. Dafni
[Seeing God – Perceiving God. Studies on the Theology of the Septuagint, Volume I.]
2017. XVI, 274 pages.
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 387

Published in German.
The present volume contains papers presented at the Third International Conference on the Theology of the Septuagint (09.-11.03.2016), held at the Faculty of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The conference dealt with the question of the extent to which the theology of the oldest fully preserved Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible is to be found in its cultural-historical discourses of seeing God and perceiving God. The common starting point is the conversation of the Hebrew Bible with possible theological tendencies in the Septuagint, which could be recognizable in words, word connections and sentences. Particular attention is paid to approaches which use the ancient Greek literature to clarify the relationship between Hebrew and Greek theological thinking.

Survey of contents

Emanuel Tov: Textual Problems in the Descriptions of Moses’s Ascent to Mt. Sinai in Exodus 19, 24, 32, 34 – Jan Joosten: Seeing God in the Hebrew Bible and the Septuagint – Hans Ausloos: Beyond Maximalism and Minimalism. The Theophany in 1Kings 19:11–12 and the Theology of the Septuagint

Gottesschau – Gotteserkenntnis
Mario Cimosa: The Revelation and Knowledge of God in the Septuagint: Exodus, the Wisdom Books and Psalms – Ekaterina Matusova: “Seeing” God in Alexandrian Exegesis of the Bible: From Aristobulos to Philo – Gert J. Steyn: “Show me yourself …”: The Reception of Exodus 33:13 (LXX) by Philo of Alexandria – Gillian Mary Clare Bonney: Revelation and Knowledge of God in the Patristic Interpretation of the Septuagint Text of Exodus 33:18–23 – Dmitry Afinogenov: Α Lost Hellenistic Jewish Source of Middle Byzantine Chroniclers: New Fragments – Peter Nagel: ‘God’ constructs at Kirbet Qumran: The sectarian manuscripts and the New Testament – Dimitrios Z. Nikitas: Ut Phoenix. Symbolik und Ambivalenz in der Dichtung des Laktanz

Martin Rösel: Wie Gott sich erkennen lässt: Gottesschau und Gotteserkenntnis in der Septuaginta – Raik Heckl: Die Gotteserkenntnis und das Bekenntnis des Darius in Daniel 6,27f. (LXX) als inhaltliches Zentrum von 1Esdras. 1Esdras als Metatext in der spätnachexilischen Literatur – Christoph Elsas: Prozesse kulturgeschichtlicher Prägung bei der Vermittlung heiligen Wissens. Von der assyrischen Prophetie zu den griechischen Chaldäischen Orakeln – Evangelia G. Dafni: Gotteserkenntnis in Platon’s Theaitetus und in der Septuaginta. Kulturkritische und Sprachtheologische Bemerkungen

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